A Very Happy Halloween at our House!

We all had such a fabulous day celebrating Halloween!
After a search for pumpkins the day before, that ended all the way in Chino Valley, we found 4 pumpkins for the kids to carve, and a yummy one to cook with! (Plan b was to carve watermelons lol)

BreeAhna carved a Hindu Demon on her pumpkin! The pumpkin lid is a perfect lotus! Amazing!!!

Audree carved an Egyptian Scarab on her pumpkin...her lid being a pyramid!

Zacky carved a "find Waldo in Egypt" lol...with pyramid eyes and pharaoh nose and a mouth in the shape of something that I can't pronounce let alone spell.

Tashi spent most of her day under the blankets with a cold, but came out to carve a Jack-O-Lantern and then to trick or treat with us.

And homemade pumpkin soup (with nutmeg and curry, YUM!) in a bread bowl with apple cider before heading out to Trick-or-Treat! We stopped by Kimber's first, where he loaded the kids up with HUGE candy bars, truffles and cider, then to our favorite decorated house, then to a new subdivision where the streets are level, the homes are close together and there are lots of families! After 2 streets the kids had enough candy to barter and trade for hours...not sure if they ate any candy that night, but they were a hoot to watch.

The night ended with Audree and Bree dancing and singing to My Fair Lady songs!
What a GREAT DAY and Night!
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