Wonder Filled Kids

For those of you who don't know, I'm the mother of 4 amazing children! They were all born at home, 3 of them were waterbirths (say yes to easier and faster labors!). We very much are an attachment family, with extended nursing, family bed and home schooling. Now that these 4 unique beings are beyond nursing and family beds (my youngest is 10 and my oldest is soon to be 17) it's often hard to find published attachment parenting ideas for the older child. Being the creative individual that I often am, I've wondered many many times about ways to mother each of my children in ways that are soulfully enhancing to them, and fun! Together we have created a method of homeschooling that isn't exactly unschooling, but far from traditional public school. We call it Conscious Schooling, or at least that's the most recent title. I create lessons for them based on skills that will teach them to be more conscious in life, and to nurture their gentle unfolding into maturity. We also explore in more detail any area that is of interest to them. Right now we are exploring the Renaissance period, getting ready for our annual trip to the Renaissance Festival near Phoenix. Audree, age 16, is sewing a full blown Renaissance dress, complete with skirt, overskirt, blouse, bodice...oh and bloomers. For someone who has rarely sewn before, her creative genius is amazingly fueling her success! BreeAhna, age 14, has created a kilt and shawl, to represent the Scottish during the Renaissance. Tashi and Zackary, ages 12 and 10, already have their costumes together, and are more focused on earning money for the great vendors at the festival. Mom's role in all this? To be a support, help when asked, and hold the space for creativity and fun during any adventures of our life. I love my kids!
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