As I lounge on day number 3 of my self pampering (still not fully well) I have made better friends with Being. In my Rapid Eye Tech. training, I was introduced to society's way of having > doing > being...and then the soulful way of being > doing > having.
Being instead of doing isn't easy, as a well programmed US citizen beginning in our public schools at an early age. A current Newsweek cover states "The New First Grade: Too Much Too Soon?" and a book review of The Overachievers: The Secret Lives of Driven Kids by Alexandra Robbins...shows how we are creating not only overachievers, but well burned-out ones.
Even though I homeschool my 4 children with child-led exploration, and have totally enjoyed being a stay at home mom (until recently when I created my awesome business) I have also witnessed this invisible judge that follows me around telling me I'm doing doing doing enough to have successful children nor successful life. I've interviewed this judge...and this is what she has to say for herself. The most important thing to my judge is success. She's most proud of scowling at me. She first made her appearance from my mom when I was in her womb. She's most afraid of ridicule. She most deeply and soulfully wants peace and ease.
As I was reading Home Education Magazine yesterday while soaking in a hot bath, I found a couple of quotes, that are for children but I realized they are for me as well! "Most importantly, homeschooling (life) allows you to give your children (and self) time to explore and to think about things on their (our) own. Children (people) who figure things out for their (our) own purposes, literally do own that knowledge (wisdom) and can build on it." from The Beginner's Guide to Homeschooling. (parenthesis mine)
Another quote: "I can't think of anything more homeschoolish (soulful) than this: choosing to give your child (self) the gift of time. There is the gift of your presence (beingness). (Beingness provides) Time allows being there to guide, answer and adventure. Just as important is the gift of time for them (us) to grow up (and be)unhurried." from A Gift of Time by Sue Smith-Heavenrich.
In my last training, Kaite Hendricks shared how parenting heals those stages of development that we missed growing up. My mom had a busy job as a head OB nurse when she was pregnant with me, #4 child, with a new husband that was away spending her money more than he was home contributing to the family. I am seeing that I was hard wired to DO DO DO with nearly a panic that there is never enough time to do everything needed to provide and survive. My making peace with slowing down and being is very healing, not only for myself but for my children as well.
In the book Crazybusy by Edward Hallowell, MD he so well writes about taking your time, that "if you want to live life fully, we do best to slow down. Otherwise you will bulldoze over life's best moments. You won't notice the little charms that adorn each day, nor will you ever transform the mundane into the extraordinary."
Transforming the mundane into the extraordinary, I love it!
Being > Doing > Having
Okay so I am having dreams about "lecturing" to my relatives about this concept which I think would be revolutionary in their lives. I have had lots of things coming up about my bio mom and things being false and lies my whole childhood. Thanks for always stimulating my thought process. Love you!Trac
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