Upside Down and Backwards
Sometimes I feel like I'm looking at my life upside down and backwards (it's a good sign I need to coach myself or schedule a session).
Lately I've drifted into old patterns of worrying about my kids' futures...pretending I have money flow problems... and noticing unresolved issues from my past in everyone around me!
With this view on life I also have created major headaches and back pain!
This has all started since I had a session for myself with a new coach I found in the bay area (phone session) where just the intake forms stirred up all my past history of how my childhood was experienced including listing positive and negatives of everyone of significance in my life from my childhood.
I was reading a Hendricks Graduate's blog this past week and felt so inspired with Megan's quote of Katie Hendricks (see favorites link)...she said "that the power to shift our attention is the power of transformation. I really got a body learning on this that day. When I put my focus into something I don't want I'm not only attracting that, but I'm taking it away from something I really want. I read once that in every moment we are either creating or destroying. Creative life force energy is always moving through us, our attention determines where it goes. Just like a fire hose pointed in the wrong direction could be disastrous. So my invitation is to tune into your attention and see where your hose is pointed. If you don't like it change direction."
One way I've changed directions this week is to put on my "Genius Glasses" where I filter everyone and life through seeing Genius everywhere!
This all started from my Genius Phone Class ( where Phillip, our Genius Facilitator had me look at my family (parents, siblings, grandparents etc) for Inherited Genius qualities...Legacy Genius!
What an amazing shift I had to reflect on my parents and focus on their genius qualities!

To wonder what this little girl (my mom) loved to play with, what thrilled her as a child and to look at her today knowing that passion is still inside her. And to wonder what genius traits she has that were passed onto me and my children...hmmmm... what a fun way to do family history!
I'm sure there are genius ancestors in your family tree...everyone has genius traits (it's what you can do all day and never get tired)! My toss to you is to put on your genius glasses and filter your world through curiosity of others genius' (start by looking in the mirror)!
Here are some questions to get you started:
• What are the genius qualities of my Mom?
• What are the genius qualities of my Dad?
• What genius qualities do my brothers and sisters have?
• What would my family say are my genius qualities? (As you write about these things take some full big breaths. When we took our first breaths we activated our genius genes.)
• What inspires me most about my family history?
• Which of these qualities would I most like to invoke? Commit to invoke this quality today and notice what happens and write about it.
One of my genius qualities is to be inspired and to inspire! It is my intent that my blog and life are inspirations to you!
I'm appreciating this space to express my creativity and to connect with life beyond my dining room table (although this table is the source of mucho fun and genius expression for my family and friends).
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