No Computer Month is Over!
Alright, I know I don't post often, but last month was intentional. In our home we had "no computer month" (except for things like bills, banking and such). I have a couple of children who had made their computers more like home base, and I was missing them, so invited all of us to turn them off for a month and see what creativity called to us!
Like paddling!
My big creative jump without mornings online was that I started running! In my youth I loved to run in the redwood forest across the street from my house...and well I don't have redwoods here in AZ...I did find a beautiful scenic trail just 5 minutes from my house! I'm in love with running...or more important, how I feel the rest of the day after a run!
I also wrote a magazine article called "Holding Space for Genius" article on how to invite my families innate genius' to come forth!
We played LOTS of games, especially Zackary, which I found myself saying "I'd love to play a game with you" to support no computer month and also to support wonderful connection time with my youngest who is still in the "rules" stage of development.
Audree created 2 amazing gowns for Halloween, which won at the Day of the Dead Major Lingo dance!
Bree read and read and read...but not fan fiction online! (whew)
Tashi...who doesn't spend much time on the computer...had her 14th birthday in October! We had a gathering of teen girls for a daytime party...and 10 people around the table for dinner! Happy Birthday my dear sweet Tashi!
What else happened...Audree and I flew to CA for my nephew Wade's wedding to a gorgeous woman named...are you ready...Kimber!
And I had a fantastic visit with my mom, who asked me to do some Hendricks coaching with her before her surgery! If negative thinking can cause cancer, then shifting to even a little more appreciation can help prevent or get rid of it! We had so much fun together this time!

I left Audree at "home" in CA...and we finally brought Audree home in AZ after several weeks with my had surgery and Audree tended to her while she recovered. Thank you Audree and we sure missed you!

And I found an amazing doctor who balances hormones with bio identical hormone implants! I have now in my body 2 pellets the size of a grain of rice, to balance my hormones (which were totally low). No more pms, a protection against many cancers, 8% bone density growth, more focus, stamina...and even a boost of libido on top of all that! Wahoo!
I missed you all, my family and friends who visit me here on Wonder Filled Life!
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