Monday, April 07, 2008


Zack's reading our genotype food list, which has a column of good foods, and not so good foods for his (and my) genotypes.

He says excitedly..."we can have crab, it's on our good list!"

I had already read the list and knew it wasn't...and said "really? C-R-A-B is on our good list?"

"Oh...wait" Zack says..."it has a P instead of a B"...

to which I shockingly reply~

"WE CAN HAVE CRAP????!!!!!"

(for those of you who are slow... we can have carp...nearly the same thing!)


At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which lab did your genetic profile? What gene(s) did you have analyzed? I'd be very interested to see your genotype for the genes that code for the enzymes that break down medium chain fatty acids.

Which genotypes are reviewed in deciding what foods best suit you? -Tiffany

9:23 PM


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