Catching a BEing toss from Tracie

My question for you tonight.....Yes this; Are you really happy? Are you feeling joy and lightness in your daily activities? Or are you "comfortable" existing?
So you haven't made the commitment to BEing joyful. hummmm
Is it because maybe you are thinking it is too much work or life's circumstances are just weighing you down too much?
Let's start with this; list ten things that made you happy today. If you can't do ten write down five.
I want to know what makes you happy today... what makes you smile and laugh. Let me know!
My reply:
10 aspects of me that create a being of happiness:
1. Feeling the gentle, and sometimes intense, flow of my Soul coursing through my body.
2. Peaceful thoughts floating through my head in the midst of a chaotic day.
3. The buzzy feelings of vibrancy that tingle through my body.
4. Hearing the inspiring voice of the Spirit within me, creating wonder in my life.
5. My body, that feels fully many many states of being. Yum!
6. Embodying my Soul's purpose, an aspect of that is "to inspire others with wonder."
7. My Essence pace, which when I slow down and connect with it creates a total Being of ease and harmony.
8. Being states...that create an opening of my breath, an uprising of energy through my body, and a smile radiating from my heart.
9. Being physically healthy!
10. Conscious commitments that direct my reality, and the unconscious commitments that also direct my reality lol...and the gifts and tools I've embodied to shift what I don't want into what I do want. :)
How's that Trac? I'm appreciating your toss and how it has reminded me that Being begins within... and that in Being with intention we can have chaos happening outside of us and find the joy and magic within the chaos.
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