Monday, April 14, 2008

BreeAhna's Birthday!

Happy 17th BreeAhna!

We enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Taj, where Bree wore the sari that Gil brought back for her special from India! Delightful!

Dearest BreeAhna Kim,

17 years ago I birthed my mirror for my life, YOU! Thank you for being so gentle in the ways you teach me about myself...also for mirroring my gifts in wonderful ways!

I love you so very much! When I think of you, my sweet Bree, my breath opens, I feel an uprising of energy in my body, and I'm smiling! I appreciate you coming into our family, and blessing us with your essence!

Monday, April 07, 2008


Zack's reading our genotype food list, which has a column of good foods, and not so good foods for his (and my) genotypes.

He says excitedly..."we can have crab, it's on our good list!"

I had already read the list and knew it wasn't...and said "really? C-R-A-B is on our good list?"

"Oh...wait" Zack says..."it has a P instead of a B"...

to which I shockingly reply~

"WE CAN HAVE CRAP????!!!!!"

(for those of you who are slow... we can have carp...nearly the same thing!)