Let's see if I can recap the half of year that didn't get blogged...and then be more committed to regular posts.
Audree turned 19!
Tashi turned 15 and
Zacky 13! Do you know what that means? I have 4 Teens under my roof! AND WE LOVE IT!
Audree has a new boyfriend! Cody has been a family friend for several years and he's a welcome addition to our wonder-filled unique clan!
Birthdays...hmmmmm...well...cough cough...I skipped mine this year...but we did have a fabulous week on the beach in Del Mar in June!
I went all the way to Tennessee last month and was certified as a Coach for the
GenoType and Blood Type diets!
Zacky played soccer again this season and his team won the good
sportsmanship award!
Tashi has caught the book reading genius...and even as I write this she's on the couch behind a good book!
BreeAhna is busy reading, writing and creating...her usual genius traits flowing forth daily!
We had a lovely time last week at the Judy Family Reunion! I loved seeing the family and meeting all the new members...lots of knee high babes running around! We sure miss Grandpa Judy and appreciate Grandma Judy for them co creating such a great family!
Also missed this year is my biggest brother Mike, who passed over last Spring. My heart is still heavy for my mother and Mikes wife Sharon. We did have a fantastic celebration of his life in Eureka, complete with Olympia beer.
Ending this update on a happy note...life in our wonder-filled magical house is buzzing with Christmas ideas and creations! I can't tell you about them yet...don't want to spoil the
surprise... just know that my favorite day of the year is 23 days away...and
Sending you all Light and Love for a glorious holiday season!