Happy Holidays AND...!

It's snowing outside...a little late for Bing's song...but maybe a white New Year will be in store for our part of the world.
Our Christmas was and still is amazing! With 8 of us gift exchanging through the day, with a few breaks here and there for food and fun...and still more gifts to open for New Years...we joyfully connected with those we love and reaching out with our hearts to those we love that didn't join us in person.

The word of the season is AND...well...actually more of a lifetime word than a seasonal word. Gay Hendricks taught me about AND at one of my training's...I can have a fantastic connection with my children during the day AND have a successful and joyful career! As I open up to AND instead of either/or...my creative energy flows to manifest this AND that!

So, back to Christmas...it was a fun experience to teach my children about AND. They can give AND receive with joy...they can have all their heart desires AND be Soulfully serving.
As I opened up a tower of pixie wrapped gifts...the joys of Soulfully creating for someone very loved...and sharing of genius'...and the fabulous flow of fun and connection and love that comes when those are brought together...create a great big WOW!!!!

If anyone is interested in the contents of the tower of pixie gifts, it was a co creation from Audree, BreeAhna and Chelsie...new dining room chair covers, throw pillows and curtains for the living room, dining room AND kitchen! Beautiful, creative and a total surprise, even though I sat on the new chair covers for a couple of weeks...the sneaky crew recovered the chairs with the old covers so to save the surprise for Christmas!
Happy Holidays and a totally Happy 2007!