Wonder Filled Life
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
are my friends! Or not! Last night a centipede crawled up my pants and stung me all the way up and down my leg. Say OUCH! Looking at Boulder CO...where there is only 1 poisonous spider and 1 poisonous snake known in the area.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Still Full! lol
On Audree's birthday we had Redwall feast #2 in one week! The menu included a delicious appetizer at the lake made by BreeAhna of bruschetta.

Then home to prepare the feast! Stuffed portabella mushrooms

and "Squirrel Bake"

along with "Stones in a Swamp" (otherwise known as bean soup with dumplings).

Dessert included a Redwall Harvest Sunset Pudd (pound cake with raspberries, blackberries), custard, and blackberry/apple cake. Totally YUM!!!

2 days later and we are still stuffed!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

17 years old today, how did that happen? Of course for Audree's birthday there is snow on the ground! It generally snows for her birthday, my only child who doesn't even like the white fluffy stuff! Today she wished for blue skies and sunshine, which there is, so next year she will be more specific about what's on the ground. lol I won't write about Audree's birth...except that she was born on her great grandpa's birthday (the only grandkid out of a hundred or more)... and that looking back at the experience I'm impressed at what a human body (mine) can accomplish! Audree, thanks for having the fire to be my firstborn, to pave the way for your siblings, and for being totally YOU! I love and appreciate you so much!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Appreciating Friends during Divorce
I've been wondering about friends and divorce for awhile now, and still feel unresolved about my feelings or my reality. I had a friend who went through divorce, and even though life sucked in so many regards during that time for her, she pulled her friends in closer to support her during the worst time in her life. We loved being there for her, regardless of how many times she mentioned her divorce or her ex's name or her craving a relationship with someone new. Now, during my own divorce, I wonder about drawing my friends closer, or would it be better to give them a reprieve from the stresses of my daily life. Some friends have already made that choice for me, and they are dearly missed. Others are rallying around me and my children, and for that I'm eternally grateful. In the words of the Buddha, we create much of our own suffering. As I reflect on that, I recommit to appreciate my friends and draw them near me during the worst time in my life, to buoy me up during this flood of turmoil, for who would throw back a life preserver when they have been washed overboard? Family and friends, I love and appreciate you all in my life, during the times when I'm an inspiration and strength to you, and during times like right now, when you all are an inspiration and strength to me.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
BreeAhna's Redwall Feast!

For Bree's 12+3 birthday, we celebrated with a full Redwall Dessert feast! Included in the faire was Raspberry Triffle, Honey Baked Apples (with two kinds of raisins and craisins on a bed of custard), Dark Chocolate dipped Strawbee's and also dipped pound cake, Strawbee fizz and what Redwall feast would be complete without Gummy Vermin to storm the Abbey? For dinner BreeAhna was again surprised with another feast, with Spinach Pasties and delicious Onion Soup (complete with home made croutons!). Perfect Celebration based on the Redwall Cookbook she got for her big day!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Crystal Mountain!

Wow! This was the most amazing hike! Okay, our legs are totally wasted after hiking for hours and hours...the end result was the most amazing crystal mountain! Those rocks in the picture are all quartz crystal...and getting there we walked on paths that were all crystal! Who woulda thought this could be found in our own Prescott?