Wonder Filled Life
Monday, February 27, 2006
Redefining Myself
Sometimes life unfolds differently than planned. When I was 12, and my parents were going through a long overdue divorce, I promised myself "I'll never divorce!" This promise as a youth kept me in my marriage way past the healthy point, and separated from soon to be ex-husband for more than 4 years. Now in the middle of a divorce, I laugh at myself for creating such a life of suffering for so long, just so I wouldn't have to feel what I had not so so long ago. A few conscious moments of feeling fully, and I'm flowing freely with excitement for my future! This weekend I started redefining myself, at first not consciously, but now I'm so excited to say consciously! For 18 years of marriage I had always thought it was "his" job to do the yard work. Truthfully speaking, I think he only did the yard work once in the last 7 years, but it was "his job" and I didn't tread on that territory. Well, this weekend my dear pal and colleague Chelsie, brought over a weed eater and extension cord. For 3 days now I've been having a blast getting rid of weeds and making our front and back yard (only 1 out of the 5.5 acres) a lot more pleasant to behold. What other areas around here were "his" to tend to? Oh, like the mudroom, that I'm having fun chucking old kitchen appliances from the past 18 years that he had taken apart to "fix". Another area are the windows lol. Our windows are soooo dirty! Filled with cobwebs and smudges. Of course this was "his" area, as he owns a window cleaning company! Now I'm going to hire someone to come and clean them for me, so I too can enjoy looking out at my weedless yard through clean windows and screens. I'm loving redefining how we live and who I am! Smooches to everyone who is supporting me in this recreation!
Wonder Filled Kids

For those of you who don't know, I'm the mother of 4 amazing children! They were all born at home, 3 of them were waterbirths (say yes to easier and faster labors!). We very much are an attachment family, with extended nursing, family bed and home schooling. Now that these 4 unique beings are beyond nursing and family beds (my youngest is 10 and my oldest is soon to be 17) it's often hard to find published attachment parenting ideas for the older child. Being the creative individual that I often am, I've wondered many many times about ways to mother each of my children in ways that are soulfully enhancing to them, and fun! Together we have created a method of homeschooling that isn't exactly unschooling, but far from traditional public school. We call it Conscious Schooling, or at least that's the most recent title. I create lessons for them based on skills that will teach them to be more conscious in life, and to nurture their gentle unfolding into maturity. We also explore in more detail any area that is of interest to them. Right now we are exploring the Renaissance period, getting ready for our annual trip to the Renaissance Festival near Phoenix. Audree, age 16, is sewing a full blown Renaissance dress, complete with skirt, overskirt, blouse, bodice...oh and bloomers. For someone who has rarely sewn before, her creative genius is amazingly fueling her success! BreeAhna, age 14, has created a kilt and shawl, to represent the Scottish during the Renaissance. Tashi and Zackary, ages 12 and 10, already have their costumes together, and are more focused on earning money for the great vendors at the festival. Mom's role in all this? To be a support, help when asked, and hold the space for creativity and fun during any adventures of our life. I love my kids!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Filling my Toolbelt

On my wall there is a sign that says "I create a life I love! I love the life I create!" One area of my life that I love to be creative in is my work. I LOVE my work!!!! When I reflect on that which brings me lots of flow and joy, the thoughts of working with the wonder-filled people who have found their way to The Life Empowerment Institute are at the top of my "flow state" list. :) For the past month, I've been filling my toolbelt of modalities and awesome ways to facilitate growth and consciousness. In January, I attended a 5 day recertification program for Rapid Eye Technology (www.rapideyetechnology.com) that was taught by Ranae Johnson, the woman who created Rapid Eye (an easy process that releases stress and trauma). I left clear of so many old patterns and negative emotions that had been unconsciously effecting my life, I'm soooo grateful! In February I attended 8 (count em 8) wonder-filled and playful days with Katie and Gay Hendricks (www.hendricks.com)! Accompanying me was my oldest daughter Audree (age 16). Each of my children will attend at least the 3 day foundations course with the Hendricks before they are done with our home school. The 8 days we just spent, plus the 5 more in July we'll attend, is part of a certification program to be Quantum Life Coaches and also Spirit-Centered Relationship Coaches. If you aren't familiar with the Hendricks' books and trainings, I invite you to check them out. They have been the most transformational contributors to me creating a life I love! And to top off those 2 trainings, I ended in February with a workshop on Becoming the Soul with William Meader (www.meader.org). Anyone who knows me or works with me probably knows that part of my commitment and purpose in this life is to purify the personality traits that keep me from connecting more fully with my soul. After my dance with illness and near death 4 years ago, I'm even more committed to helping not only myself, but anyone else who is open to being more growthful, soulful and conscious. If you are interested in creating a life you love, drop me an email and I'd be honored to support your magical creation called life.
Saturday, February 25, 2006

There are times in my life when I feel lonely. At these times I feel so much appreciation for my long time best friend Tracie. No matter what either of us is going through in our own busy lives, I can always feel our connection in my heart.
For nearly 18 years now, we've supported each other in the birthing and continuous raising of 9 children, 3 divorces, many many moves, times of abundance and times that weren't so abundant, the homeschooling of our combined 9 children, a very happy wedding day and so many other ins ands outs of daily life.
Tracie, I appreciate that our connection is built on years of foundation, although our connection was immediate the first time we met! I trust in our connection, and that is such a comfort to my tender heart right now. Trusting in our connection...I want to repeat that again...it brings me a lot of joy to have a friend that I can write this about. (smiling with a wide open heart)